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Author: Aparna Anirudhan

Inclusive Workplace
Inclusive Leadership: Prioritizing Diversity for Organizational Success

Inclusive Leadership: Prioritizing Diversity for Organizational Success

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Creating an inclusive environment is not a one-time effort, but a continuous commitment that requires the support of leadership and active engagement from every employee. It involves fostering an atmosphere where everyone feels respected, valued, and supported, regardless of their background or identity. A study

The Future Office
Why Are Inclusive Workplaces Important to nurture a Diverse Workforce? | Part 1

Why Are Inclusive Workplaces Important to nurture a Diverse Workforce? | Part 1

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The words diversity and inclusion have been gaining impetus than just topics of worth and more as standard policies in more than 70% of the global enterprises, especially in developing economies. In today’s diverse world, embracing every individual irrespective of their gender or lifestyle choice

In pursuit of WELLness

In pursuit of WELLness

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The world as we know today is facing an invisible enemy, and this has incited a criterion shift towards what was gravely disregarded in the workplace of the pre-COVID era – the health and well-being of the individual. The Global Wellness Institute (GWI) defines wellness

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